Digital Inbound Internet Marketing

Is Email a Better Marketing Tool Than Social Media?

Written by David C Aaronson | May 16, 2016 6:10:45 PM

The time-honored concept that a proprietary email list is a successful way of generating sales is not new. For a time, email fell out of favor as a marketing strategy as companies chose social media instead. However, a new report speculates that email may still be viable option. said that not only is email a good option, but it exceeds the power of social media to market brand products by 40 percent. Engaging potential customers is the key to a successful marketing campaign. A study done by Forrester in 2014 showed the use of social media to connect with consumers was not a viable venue. In fact, it noted that posts on social media rarely bridged connections with brand users.

Complaints on Social Media

Customers often use social media as a forum for stating dissatisfaction with a brand product. Across the social media spectrum, there are 879 million annual complaints, according to VentureBeat. This raises the risk of negative feedback that might affect sales.

Using Email Instead

The number of consumers who believe they get excessive email promotions and offers has fallen significantly. In 2010, 59 percent of individuals said they deleted such emails before reading them, according to Business Insider . However, by 2014 this number fell to 42 percent. In addition, in 2010 only 17 percent felt email offers might be beneficial, while in 2014 that number rose to 24 percent.

Smartphones Rule

Smartphones are a major source of connectivity and users tend to fill spare moments checking them. Emails meant to market specific products do well.

Newsletters Are Looking Good

Newsletters share a similar fate. In 2009, newsletters ended up in the trash file according to 59 percent of respondents. Yet, four years later, that number fell to 42 percent, Business Insider reported. This trend toward browsing for bargains online continues today.

Automated Emails Fail

Random or automated emails may be less than successful in reaching new clients. Generating leads online with emails requires a more studied approach. Developing an engaged list helps strengthen an email's impact. Sending emails to readers who cannot wait to hear company announcements or receive offers empowers the email's effect.  

Get Specific

A useful online marketing strategy is to target customers who purchase specific items or who indicate certain interests. For instance, sending an email about the latest rooftop kayak carrier to a customer interested in the sport may be more successful, resulting in engagement. Specificity helps drive sales by targeting interested parties.

Spend Time on the Email

Write the email using the type of care normally taken for a blog post to impress future customers. It is important to remember that the folder deposition depends on the number of emails considered spam. Checking to see if particular subscribers routinely fail to open emails and send them to spam instead might help. Overall, continuing to mail information to such recipients might be detrimental and time consuming.

Using email to alert subscribers to new products or offers may prove to be beneficial. Combining online marketing strategies to encompass both email and a social media presence might result in higher sales. However, eliminating email as a marketing tool may weaken sales.