Digital Inbound Internet Marketing

Planning your Inbound Marketing Strategy using Hubspot Software

Written by David C Aaronson | Mar 14, 2014 3:13:00 PM

Since you are already a Hubspot software user you know how to access many of Hubspot’s features. Here are a few tips to improve your results by using more of Hubspot’s tools:

Plan Your Goals

This is important because it helps you focus on the results you want to achieve.

  • Are you most interested in increasing traffic?
  • Do you want more sales?
  • Do you want to see improved search traffic, or more results from your social media efforts?

    Each of these goals requires a slightly different plan of action. 

Assign Task Responsibilities

Do you know who on your team is going to handle the planning process of content?
Who will be the content provider(s) and who will edit the content before it goes live?

You’ll need someone that will check metrics on a regular basis. They’ll need to be comfortable with Hubspot’s interface and understand the features Hubspot offers for visitor tracking. Ideally this person will take the training available through Hubspot to make sure your company takes advantage of the large amounts of information available about your visitors and subscribers. 

Start by Optimizing your Content for SEO

A commonly overlooked aspect of each page and post written in the Hubspot portal is SEO. This is due to the rush that is generally involved in publishing content. Hubspot offers suggestions and tooltips but entering the information seems tedious.

It is important to enter SEO information for every page of the site. It takes a few minutes and it is well worth the time investment.

Adding appropriate h tags, internal links and image alt tags might take significantly more time, but these items are very important to search engine optimization. 

The person who publishes content should make sure there are adequate links to other pages on the site, as well as optimal tags on the page. Gaining experience at this makes the process much faster over time.

Start a Publishing Calendar

Before you publish more content to your blog, have you considered planning this content? Your plan should include more than a title and topic, but rather an entire blogging strategy where each post is written for a certain persona and phase of the buying process.

Each post should educate or entertain your visitors, it should make them think and it should impress them with your authority on the subject.

Make a list of possible blog posts topics, then construct outlines and titles for the posts. Align each post to a persona, buying phase, keyword, call to action and offer from your company. 

Put this information in a file, and then share to a central calendar for all employees who will work on the website - this is your blog strategy and publishing calendar. 

Unfortunately, Hubspot does not provide a publishing calendar as part of the user software. They do suggest and offer a free spreadsheet template that can be used but an integrated feature would be a useful platform addition.

Plan Your Landing Pages

Another overlooked aspect of inbound marketing strategy is the landing page.

These should be carefully planned out based on what the visitor is most likely to want or need after reading the post that brings them to the site. Since these are the elements that will turn visitors into subscribers, your offers should be better than your competitors and should be extremely useful to your customer or prospect.

Prepare your Calls to Action

Calls to action should be created to closely mirror the landing page each CTA will take visitors to.

Remember “calls to action” are not Download Here, Submit, or Buy Now. Instead try these: Get Your Free Assessment Now, Download the Short Guide Today, or Redeem Your Offer Right Now.

Create Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Start with list segmentation. Learn to use “marketing automation” for your email lead nurturing campaigns. Taking the time to craft each email as if you were the reader yourself will pay off in the long run.

Configure Sales

Now that you are collecting leads, have emails set up to keep leads warm and interested and blog posts to help increase traffic - it’s time to figure out when and how to best involve your sales team.

Using Hubspot’s software you can score leads. Once leads reach a certain level, or match a set of criteria, sales can contact the qualified customer.

Remember, inbound marketing is still new to many sales professionals. It’s important to keep sales in the loop throughout the lead nurturing process so they’ll understand how to address each lead when the time is right. 

Digital Inbound is a Hubspot Certified Marketing Agency in Los Angeles.

If you have questions about using the Hubspot Software Marketing Platform contact us - we can help. If you want to give Hubspot a try - contact us and we’ll set you up with a free Hubspot software trial so you can determine if Hubspot is a good fit your business.