Digital Inbound Marketing Blog

Best Strategies to Attract Targeted Traffic

Posted by David C Aaronson

Aug 23, 2016 7:00:00 AM

Content marketing is much more than preparing blog posts and disseminating them across the web. Your primary goal should be delivering useful and relevant content to specific markets via blogs, social media and other content channels.

The following are some of the best strategies to attract targeted traffic with your inbound marketing.

Focus on Problem-Solving SEO

Search engine optimization is a major factor in achieving traffic with your website and blog content. However, to fine-tune your targeting through SEO, focus on solving problems of people searching for your content. With this mindset, you can emphasize keywords that connect a problem to your resolution-oriented content.

Long-tail keywords have become important identifying niche search users. The longer and more precise your keywords, the farther along a prospect likely is in the buying journey. Users also tend to search "smart" in 2016, which means they search with answers or problems. For instance, someone might search for, "How to attract more targeted leads," as opposed to "gaining targeted leads". It often makes sense then, to build content that speaks to the longer statement.

SEO is not dead, but the rules for success have changed

Google offers a number of free analytics tools to
help you optimize your content marketing and SEO.

Use Paid Search Marketing

With organic SEO, you don't have complete control over search engine results placement. By using pay-per-click advertising, you do have control over message impressions. As you identify the keywords entered by your primary buyers, or the ones that convert to long-term customers, build PPC campaigns targeting them with key benefits. Effective PPC is driven by analyzing long-term profitability of customer types, and then targeting those with the best value proposition.

Implement an Affiliate Program ranked affiliate programs as number one for driving targeted traffic. Operating an affiliate program allows you to place ads on websites that appeal to the interests of your target markets.

In addition to the ability to target users of certain sites, you can structure your affiliate program to only pay for leads that convert.

Engage on Social Media

Social media, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, enable direct engagement with potential buyers. Posting messages and sharing content attracts followers with a natural interest in your company and offerings. As people reply to your social content, reps have the ability to interact with them to see if the interest warrants follow-up calls.

Social media is an essentail part of inbound marketing

Correlating your content marketing and social media
strategies creates a strong synergy for attracting targeted traffic.

Give Away Free Samples

One simple way to ensure visitors to your site are interested is to give them a taste of your solutions for free, according to online business development specialist Tracey Lawton.

Offering free downloads of case studies, white papers and newsletters is one approach. These opportunities allow potential buyers to recognize your expertise and credibility, and to uncover the value proposition available. You could also promote free trials or demonstrations of your products on social media and through targeted e-mail campaigns.


High-quality traffic is more important than a large volume of disinterested visitors. If you notice a short duration on visits, you probably aren't implementing strategies that invite the right prospects. Apply the strategies discussed here to drive visitor-to-conversion ratios.

Request a free Website Competitive Analysis report for more in-depth insights on attracting the right leads!

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Topics: inbound marketing, traffic