Strong, clear landing pages generate business leads.
Does your landing page make a splash? When your future customers visit you, your company's landing page is the place where they learn about your product and get a feel for your business. A strong landing page makes a statement about who you are and what you can provide to your customers. What essential elements should you feature on your business landing page? ANd dont forget the power of a good Call to Action.Set the Stage
Before you even get to the content, your landing page should be visually striking. It's the layout of your page that first makes an impact on your customers. Make it clean, make it straightforward, and make sure that your customers can see your message easily. This means that your landing page should be easy to read without scrolling and should translate onto many different types of devices. Even if you're working with a small budget, make sure that the place where your customers land looks professional. A website that's poorly put together reflects badly on the professional nature of your business. When customers see a clean, professional site, they know you can take care of their needs.
Who Are You?
A landing page must communicate your brand and your history, establishing you as a credible company in your field. While the initial page can link to more information on a "Who We Are" page, your landing page needs to give your potential customers some information about you so that they know that they can trust you. Do you have twenty years of experience in your field? Have you just developed an innovative new product that fuses two types of technology? Your landing page is the place to position yourself as an authority and an innovator.
Your landing page needs to propose a solution.
What Do You Offer?
Your prospective customers are interested in your business. They come to your page to learn about your company, but most of all, they come because they want to know if they should purchase your product. Your landing page needs to set out a simple yet persuasive problem and solution for your customers. What do you sell, and how does this solve your customers' problems or fill their needs? If you sell a vacuum that can clean pet hair off almost anything, your customers need to know. Think about who your prospective customers are and what you offer to each one. If possible, create separate landing pages for different types of customers so that you can speak specifically to their needs.
Getting in Touch
It's easy to get overtaken by the need to introduce yourself, so much so that you forget to leave your contact information for your prospective customers. Make sure that your email, phone number, live chat, or contact form is front and center on your landing page, so that customers know how to contact you should they wish to purchase your product.
Change Is Your Business
While a great landing page can seem like a well-honed work of art, be prepared to have it change. You can create different pages for different groups of customers, sending customers who pick up a specific offer to a targeted landing page just for them. You can write landing page copy that's specific to a sale or offer that you have created. Your landing page is about your product, but it needs to be flexible and change with your business.