Digital Inbound Marketing Blog

Mastering the Laws of Online Attraction in Inbound Marketing

Posted by David C Aaronson

Oct 29, 2014 11:57:00 AM

Anyone who has ever ventured into the world of internet dating knows that an attractive picture gets noticed. But anyone who has ever gone on a blind date based entirely on a photo also knows that a lot more ultimately goes into how appealing a person is than how he/she looks in in a selfie. The same goes for inbound marketing. If you're hoping to engage and retain consumers, your success or failure is determined by a number of different, dynamic factors. Read on to learn five essential inbound marketing strategies.

The art of luring can be tricky to master.

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Topics: inbound marketing

Why Closed Loop Marketing? Closing the Marketing / Sales Loop

Posted by David C Aaronson

Jun 25, 2014 2:23:00 PM

How Closed Loop Marketing Works

Marketing jargon can seem intimidating, but the basic concepts are usually easy to grasp. For example, you might be wondering, “What is closed loop marketing?”

Closed loop marketing takes every site visitor, tracks them as a lead and a customer. This is what we mean by “closing the loop” between marketing and sales. It’s the standard by which marketers can evaluate the success of their campaigns.

When it comes to your own sales, you can use the following method to get the best return on your marketing campaign.

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Topics: hubspot partner los angeles, Closed Loop Marketing

How to Create Calls to Action that Generate Leads

Posted by Terry Hayes

Jun 17, 2014 7:00:00 AM


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Topics: content marketing, calls to action, ctas

How to Create Irresistible Content Marketing Offers

Posted by Terry Hayes

Jun 11, 2014 5:36:00 PM

Every marketer has the job of getting a potential buyer to say “Yes” to a product or service. But how can anyone figure out the psychology of such a large audience?

Here are some content marketing strategies and tips you can use to make your offers more irresistible:

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Topics: content marketing

Inbound Marketing Basics: Attract, Convert, Clo$e

Posted by David C Aaronson

Jun 4, 2014 1:15:00 AM

The science of the human mind tells us for a marketing message to be understood, we need to first hear or see it 6 times before we understand that message is being targeted to us. It then takes another 6 impressions for us to receive and acknowledge each message.

So while you may feel that advertisers who repeat a message several times during a broadcast are wasting money,  they are in fact aptly applying their understanding of psychology and human behavior.

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Topics: inbound marketing, inbound marketing los angeles, content marketing, conversion architecture, digital inbound los angeles, leads, traffic

Using Calls to Action (CTAs)

Posted by David C Aaronson

Jun 2, 2014 2:44:00 PM

Once visitors get to your website, you want to get their attention by making sure you are using a good headline. We covered this when discussing business blogging using Hubspot in the last post.

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Topics: inbound marketing los angeles, HubSpot Tips, content marketing, conversion architecture, traffic