Can your customers hear the call? A strong call to action can turn leads into customers. It can also fall flat. Here's how to help your prospective customers hear and heed your call to action.
Bringing in Inbound Leads
Posted by David C Aaronson
Feb 2, 2016 7:19:00 AM
Can your customers hear the call? A strong call to action can turn leads into customers. It can also fall flat. Here's how to help your prospective customers hear and heed your call to action.
Bringing in Inbound Leads
Topics: calls to action
Directing traffic: how can you create a sales funnel for your inbound marketing?
Who's coming down your sales funnel, and how do they enter it in the first place? From attracting new leads to completing a sale, the analogy of the sales funnel has been used to describe the process of traditional advertising. How can you apply this concept to your inbound marketing efforts?
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Your landing page can draw in your customers or send them packing.
Your landing page is lovely, and your SEO is spot on. There's just one problem: your landing page doesn't convert. How can you make sure that the people who come to your site turn from prospective customers into satisfied buyers?
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Manage your email with ease using cloud-based email management systems.
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Does your site speak to your audience?
Is your website your greatest asset, or does it forget to pay the rent? If you have a site that doesn't draw in traffic and convert leads, you may be making one of these mistakes.
Topics: inbound marketing
Posted by David C Aaronson
Jan 21, 2016 2:37:19 PM
Topics: email marketing
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