You have a site for your business, but does it speak to your customers? In this web-based world it's critical to have a strong online presence. You want your site to draw in visitors and make you a respected source in your industry.
You have a site for your business, but does it speak to your customers? In this web-based world it's critical to have a strong online presence. You want your site to draw in visitors and make you a respected source in your industry.
Topics: inbound marketing, content marketing, leads
How many of YOUR clients or Potential Clients are looking you up On Mobile Devices?
The answer to this question is about 60%. That’s a BIG number and if your site is hard to use on a mobile device what do you think they are going to do. Forget about you? Get frustrated? Go elsewhere? Truth is all three plus.
Posted by David C Aaronson
Jul 28, 2015 9:48:17 PM
Hubspot is the top name in inbound marketing. They offer software that gives companies the opportunity to run their own inbound campaigns and there is an endless supply of educational material from Hubspot on how to handle inbound marketing.
Posted by David C Aaronson
Jul 23, 2015 5:30:00 PM
Do you want more business to business leads from your website traffic?
Who doesn't? Wouldn't it be great if every visitor to your site filled out a form, and was genuinely interested in your services?
Of course, that probably isn't going to happen. When you look at your analytics you'll see that most of the visitors to your website don't fill out a form or contact you. Chances are they aren't a new visitor, but they haven't seen a lot of your work either, they are somewhere in between a visitor and a lead.
The goal of your website should be to help them along that path and become a lead.
That's where Inbound Marketing comes into play, and further more Hubspot software. We've used Hubspot for quite awhile and enjoy the software.
Topics: inbound marketing, leads
Posted by Anna Johansson
Jul 23, 2015 3:52:22 PM
The key to getting rankings is using a combination of content creation, advertisements, and social sharing. The key to getting social shares is gaining the support of influencers. But who are the influencers and how do you use them to promote your business?
Topics: social media marketing
Inbound marketing is a set of marketing techniques that must all be present to properly work. When steps are missed or not performed properly, the final results can be less than expected.
As your sales funnel gets filled with more and more leads, it’s easy to overlook other tasks, make mistakes and miss important subtleties because you’re busy.
This happens with just about every company that handles their own marketing.
Truthfully, your marketing isn't your expertise (unless you are a marketer), it's more of a necessary evil that has to be done, to make sure you keep getting
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